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Steinberg Introduces Cubase 4
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Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH is proud to announce a new generation of its world-renowned Cubase music production software range. Cubase 4 and its streamlined sister product, Cubase Studio 4, include a range of ground-breaking new features and technologies that offer enhanced capabilities and work flow for musicians, producers and other audio professionals worldwide.

"We're very excited about this terrific achievement in music production technology," says Andreas Stelling, Steinberg's General Manager. "It's without doubt the best Cubase ever, and the result of Steinberg's excellent capability in innovation and strong orientation around the needs of musicians and producers," he adds.

Arnd Kaiser, Steinberg's Senior Product Manager for Music Technology, comments: "Cubase 4 has been designed to deliver tools for professionals in a way that opens up new avenues of creativity. Features like SoundFrame™, for example, turn previously mundane tasks like browsing for files into a creative part of the composition and production process in a way previously unavailable in music production software."

New features in Cubase 4 include:
• SoundFrame™ universal sound manager helps users organize, preview and retrieve audio, video and project files, patches for software and hardware synths, Track and Instrument Presets and much more, including the powerful MediaBay browser and media file management system
• Control Room seamlessly integrates Cubase 4 within analogue monitoring environments with up to four separate monitor mixes, external audio input integration, speaker selection, talk back and more
• Brand new VST3 plug-in set with over 30 new plug-ins including StudioEQ, Cloner, ModMachine, AmpSimulator and guitar tuner, new Multiband Compressor and many more
• New VST instruments: 3 outstanding new synthesizers: Prologue, Spector and Mystic as well as HALion One sample player with hundreds of new instruments based on Yamaha Motif waveforms
• New redesigned user interface with enhanced navigability, configurable channel strip and track inspector as well as a range of new mixer functions
• Enhanced Score and Notation features further extend Cubase extensive functionality by adding new settings dialogue, symbol inspector and two new score fonts
• New Instrument Track class accelerates handling of VST Instruments and combines MIDI and plug-in automation within the same track
• Cross platform support for Windows® and Mac OSX Universal Binary

Cubase 4 or Cubase Studio 4?
Cubase Studio 4 is a streamlined version with many of the same technologies that make version 4 the best Cubase ever. Tailored for composers, musicians and project studios as well as students and educators, Cubase Studio 4 offers professional music production technology streamlined to offer a high-quality set of essential tools and features at a lower price point than Cubase 4. Customers updating from Cubase SL3 will find new features such as full score editing and printing, the enhanced AudioWarp functions as well as Studio Connections Recall support. Customers who purchase Cubase 4 will find additional advanced features required for the final production phases including surround support, full Control Room functionality and specialized plug-ins and tools for creating a final mixdown.

Price and Availability
Cubase 4 will ship in October, 2006 for $999 US MSRP. Cubase Studio 4 will retail for $499 US MSRP.

For more information: www.steinbergusers.com
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