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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > SoundTech Announces LightSnake USB Intelligent Microphone Cable
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SoundTech Announces LightSnake USB Intelligent Microphone Cable
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SoundTech Professional Audio, a division of US Music Corporation, announced the release of the LightSnake, an intelligent microphone-to-PC cable with embedded analog to digital converter and signal booster. The LightSnake features SoundTech's patented "Live when Lit" technology cable ends that glow and flash indicating when sound is being transmitted.

The LightSnake USB intelligent microphone cable connects with any standard microphone and plugs directly into the PC USB port, dramatically reducing the cost and clutter traditionally associated with digital recording. Now musicians can easily enjoy the same digital recording abilities once reserved for high-end studio sessions.

Modern Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software, such as Apple GarageBand and Sony Acid(R) Music Studio harness the power of PCs allowing musicians to arrange songs, mix beats and record, layer and mix their own voices. The LightSnake USB provides the easiest method to connect a microphone to a computer for recording by simply plugging the XLR tip of the LightSnake into the microphone and the USB end to a PC.

Podcasters can also benefit from the LightSnake. Podcasting, a new form of communication popularized by Apple's iPod and former MTV video jockey Adam Curry, allows anyone to distribute their recordings, such as radio programs, speeches and interviews to a near limitless audience over the Internet. The LightSnake's streamlined design, ease of use and compatibility with professional quality XLR microphones is ideal for recording high-quality digital Podcasts.

"The internet and today's computers have opened the channels for anyone to create and distribute their own audio masterpiece," said Larry English, senior vice president of business development at US Music Corp. "We developed the LightSnake to provide an easy-to-use, high-quality tool, that works with any microphone, from budget to top-of-the-line Neumann's, allowing customers to easily record their Podcasts, hit-songs or interviews."

SoundTech LightSnake USB intelligent microphone cable features:
-- Patented "Live when Lit" technology cable ends light up indicating when sound is being transmitted
-- Digital quality sound input without the need for a sound card
-- Embedded A/D chip technology with audio signal boost eliminates the need for additional signal conversion devices
-- 10 foot heavy-duty shielded cable
-- Includes Sony Media Software Demo DVD - Including Acid(R), Sound Forge(R), Vegas(R) and many other titles
-- Simple USB plug-and-play connectivity
-- Compliant with USB 2.0 Full Speed Operation
-- Compliant with USB Audio Device Class Specification v1.0
-- Compatible with Win98 SE / Win ME / Win 2000 / Win XP and Mac OS9 / OS X without additional driver
-- Driver software included for older non-plug-and-play compliant computers
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