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Cakewalk Releases Free Rapture 1.1 Update
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Cakewalk, the world’s leading developer of powerful and easy to use products for music creation and recording, today releases a free update to their Rapture wavetable synthesizer. The Rapture 1.1 Update is available free as a download for registered customers at www.cakewalk.com.

New features and enhancements in Version 1.1
* Native Windows Vista Support
* Universal Binary support for Audio Units, VSTi, and RTAS (Pro Tools 7.3 compatible)
* Stand-alone mode
* Engine optimization for faster load times and reduced memory usage
* New DSP and Filter routings, (6 new DSP Transforms, 14 different serial and parallel DSP/Filter routings)
* Mouse Wheel scrolling added to Wavetable Selection
* Improved Program browsing with Previous/Next buttons
* Updated dropdown menus for all SYNC Rate selections within Envelope Generators, LFOs, STEPGENs, and Global STEPGENs
* Comprehensive MIDI Modulation Matrix with new enhancements
* 50 new Rapture programs by ProSounds and B Rock designed to highlight the new features in Version 1.1
* Mac formats: AU™, VSTi™ 2.4, and RTAS™ (Universal Binary)
* Windows formats: DXi (32-bit & 64-bit), RTAS, VSTi 2.4 (32-bit & 64-bit)

New Stand-alone mode
Rapture can now function as a Stand-Alone instrument making it the perfect go-to synth for live performance. Stand-alone mode functionality works in Windows XP, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows Vista, Windows Vista X64, OS X PowerPC, OS X Intel.

Universal Binary compatible (all formats)
Rapture can now be loaded in both PowerPC and Intel equipped Macs in Audio Units (AU), VSTi, ProTools (RTAS) formats. VSTi support updated to version 2.4, and now supports composite and non-composite windows in OSX hosts.

Multiple stage DSP section
All new dynamic three stage DSP/two filter arrangement. The new arrangement allows the repetition of DSP transforms, such as allowing for up to three Decimator stages to be loaded within a single DSP section.

New DSP transforms
Six new DSP transforms have been added to the DSP section. Soft Clip, Hard Clip, Warp, Break, Rectify, and Width. The combination of these new algorithms with the new DSP section offers even more diverse sound creation possibilities and a new luster to Rapture’s signature sound.

Tempo synced Envelope Generators
All Envelope Generators can now sync to host tempo, in any integer, dotted or triplet division. Sync mode is enabled by the new ‘Sync’ text selector on each Envelope Generator. Envelopes will increase and decrease in speed according to tempo changes and settings within compositions.   

New Filters
Rapture now offers a number of State-Variable filter options including Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, and Band Rejection. Ideal for creating exotic textures and pads.

New Step Generator modes and options
Rapture now includes new Step Generator functionality not found in any other synth.

The new Step Generator features include:
* ‘Shot’ mode added to the Step Generators - when activated, the Step Generators will pass thru all defined step values only once, then stop
* ‘Step’ mode added to the Step Generators - when engaged, the Step Generators will cycle through the defined step values on successive Note-On events
* Normalize Steps - will expand the dynamics for the current Step Generator pattern to fit in the maximum range
* Copy Shape from LFO - will bring the LFO shape from the currently selected modulator into the Step Generator, including the LFO phase setting
* Extract Shape from Sample File (unique to Rapture) - this will calculate the amplitude envelope of any sample file, and set it into the selected Envelope Generator

New MIDI Learn functionality
Rapture’s MIDI Learn has been enhanced to provide the most powerful MIDI Learn implementation offered in any synth. The new MIDI Learn features include: Add/Remove MIDI Control, Per-Control Min/Max/Reverse, MIDI Learn added to the X-Y pad, MIDI Learn added to Up/Down and Text Selectors, All Up/Down menus and Text Selectors can now be learned and Multiple MIDI Configurations: Rapture now offers ten different MIDI user configurations Ideal to for multi MIDI controller setups and live performance.

About Rapture
Combining power, elegance, control, and unbeatable sounds, Rapture is one of the most exciting synthesizers to hit the market in years. Capable of producing rich, hypnotic, and rhythmic basses, leads, and pads, Rapture is perfect for performing and designing the modern synthesized sounds igniting today’s pop, dance, and electronic music.

Rapture is the first product of its kind, combining one of the most advanced and exciting modulation systems available, with the unrivaled non-aliasing Expression Engine™ a hallmark of the unparalleled sound quality and creativity found exclusively in the Cakewalk Instruments line.

Pricing and Availability
The free Rapture 1.1 update is available to registered Rapture customers at www.cakewalk.com Rapture has a $199.00 U.S., estimated street price and is available at select music and sound retailers around the world and, direct as a boxed version or download from the Cakewalk online store.

For more information: www.cakewalk.com
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