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iZotope Announces RX Audio Restoration Software
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iZotope, Inc., a leading innovator in audio signal processing technology, announces iZotope RX™ audio restoration software, a new standalone application featuring the essential tools for cleaning and restoring audio.

Using powerful, newly developed technology created by iZotope’s research team, RX removes hiss and buzz, eliminates clicks and crackles, and repairs overload distortion in audio. New intelligent spectral repair algorithms can even analyze and fill gaps in audio files to restore previously unusable recordings.

Ideal for any application that demands spotless audio, RX features a unique interface designed specifically for audio restoration work. Preset modules attain great results quickly for time sensitive applications like broadcasting and podcasting, video production, and studio recording. Advanced features allow a level of control needed in critical applications such as forensics, audio remastering and archiving.

“There are more sources of recorded audio today than ever before – cell phones, video cameras, computers, old vinyl records, tape – the list goes on,” says Jeremy Todd, CTO of iZotope, Inc. “With RX, we’ve made our next-generation restoration technology accessible to anyone needing clean and clear audio.”

RX includes groundbreaking features designed to simplify the process of cleaning and repairing recordings. State of the art analysis tools such as an advanced spectrogram with the greatest time and frequency resolution available allow a finer degree of detail work. Isolate and fix damaged audio with selective processing and Spectral Repair. The Compare Settings feature auditions parameters quickly, and a non-destructive undo history makes reverting to previous states simple and flexible. Batch processing makes applying multiple processes to large files much less time consuming.

Key Features
* Denoiser – suppresses broadband and tonal noise independently without harsh artifacts
* Spectral Repair – removes intermittent noises and even fixes gaps and corrupted audio using advanced re-synthesis techniques
* Declipper – saves previously unusable recordings by removing both analog and digital clipping
* Hum Removal – cleans up hum caused by poor wiring and other electrical problems
* Declicker – brings ancient records and master tapes back to life by removing analog and digital impulse noises
* Spectrogram – the most advanced spectrogram display available lets you see what other programs miss
* Selective Processing – select by time and frequency to isolate and repair noise
* Compare Settings window – send multiple settings of a module to the queue, then audition them side by side
* Batch Processing – send audio through multiple processes in one simple step
* Undo History – keep track of the changes you’ve made, and revert to earlier states

RX Advanced
In addition to the base version of RX, an extended application, iZotope RX Advanced, allows even more precise control over RX algorithms and includes iZotope’s critically acclaimed 64-bit SRC™ sample rate conversion and MBIT+™ dither for professionals who want finer control over processing and delivery.

Plug-in Versions Announced
While RX is initially available as a standalone application, its real-time processing modules will also be released as plug-ins, scheduled for early 2008. Customers purchasing RX or RX Advanced will receive these plug-ins free of charge when they are released.
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