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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Course Technology Publishes Music Theory for Computer Musicians
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Course Technology Publishes Music Theory for Computer Musicians
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Many DJs, gigging musicians, and electronic music producers understand how to play their instruments or make music on the computer, but they lack the basic knowledge of music theory needed to take their music-making to the next level and compose truly professional tracks. Beneath all the enormously different styles of modern electronic music lie certain fundamentals of the musical language that are exactly the same no matter what kind of music you write. It is very important to acquire an understanding of these fundamentals if you are to develop as a musician and music producer. Put simply, you need to know what you are doing with regard to the music that you are writing.

Music Theory for Computer Musicians explains these music theory fundamentals in the most simple and accessible way possible. Concepts are taught using the MIDI keyboard environment and today's computer composing and recording software. By reading this book and following the exercises contained within it, you, the aspiring music producer/computer musician, will find yourself making great progress toward understanding and using these fundamentals of the music language. The result will be a great improvement in your ability to write and produce your own original music!

* Teaches DJs, gigging musicians, and electronic music producers the music theory concepts they need to become complete musicians.

* Uses the MIDI keyboard environment and today's computer composing and recording software, such as Pro Tools, Reason, and Ableton Live, to teach concepts.

* Includes a companion CD with illuminating examples to help drive home the theory lessons.

* The author is an expert and highly experienced teacher of these concepts at the college level.

For more information: Music Theory for Computer Musicians
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