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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Cycling '74 Releases Max/MSP Version 5
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Cycling '74 Releases Max/MSP Version 5
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Cycling ’74 released Version 5.0 of its Max/MSP media development tools. This version represents a new era of Max programming, with a completely redesigned multi-processing kernel and a streamlined development environment built on a platform-independent foundation. With a new patcher interface, searchable database of objects and examples, integrated documentation and new tutorials, the new Max user will find a smoother learning curve while experienced users will see improved productivity. These improvements to the Max/MSP/Jitter bundle are provided at a more affordable price of MSRP US $699, with academic discounts available.

CEO David Zicarelli remarked: "In almost twenty years of working on this software, there’s never been anything close to the transformation we’re undertaking. This is Max for the next twenty years."

In addition to a modern infrastructure designed to support today’s multi-core processors and tomorrow’s operating systems, Max 5 features a stylized UI intended to aid in the expression and understanding of complex ideas. Each graphical element has a unique look that informs the user of its function, and the new presentation mode allows performance layouts that do not affect the programmer’s view of the patch. This new system provides a more efficient workflow, and offers a richer experience for both programmer and educator.

Max 5 is now available for download and purchase from cycling74.com and its worldwide distributors. Max/MSP costs US $495, the Max/MSP/Jitter bundle is US $699, and the Max 5 Upgrade is US $199. Discounts for student and educational institutions are available. Customers who purchased Max/MSP or Max/MSP/Jitter after October 1, 2007 are eligible for a free upgrade.

Cycling '74: www.cycling74.com
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