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Sound Mixing Tips and Tricks -- New from PC Publishing
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Sound Mixing Tips and Tricks is a clear, concise and detailed guide to sound mixing. Written in laymen's terms, the book contains mixing tips, secrets and techniques to help you become a better producer, walking you through the essential aspects of exactly what makes a good stereo mix.

Throughout the book, ‘before’ and ‘after’ audio examples are provided from an actual multi-track recording to explain all the principles contained in the book, along with screenshots from music sequencing software.

Topics covered include preparing both yourself and your studio environment, the tools you will need, mixing with dynamics and effects, compression, EQ, levels and panning. There’s also a glossary listing terminology and descriptions commonly used in the production industry.

In this book, you will discover:
* Clear, easy to understand language
* Information about dynamics, effects, compression, EQ, levels and panning
* Highly informed tips & tricks written by an industry professional
* ‘Before’ and ‘after’ examples
* Audio files available for download
* A thorough glossary of terms

If you are struggling with the concepts of mixing and just can’t seem to get a good sounding mix, this book will give you the foundations you need, quickly and effectively.

For more information: Sound Mixing Tips and Tricks
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