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eMedia Music Partners with Musitek to Distribute SmartScore
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eMedia Music Corp. and Musitek® announced a partnership agreement for eMedia to distribute Musitek's SmartScore® line of music scanning software. eMedia is pleased to offer Musitek's critically acclaimed products along with their growing catalog of proprietary releases and high quality distributed products such as Finale, Band-in-a-Box, Guitar Pro and EarMaster.

SmartScore Piano Edition, SmartScore MIDI Edition, SmartScore Guitar Edition, SmartScore Songbook Edition and SmartScore Pro Edition will be available at computer and music retail stores nationwide and online starting at an estimated retail price of $49.95. An Academic Edition and Multi-station Lab packs are also available for schools.

eMedia Music Corporation is a software developer dedicated to producing high-quality multimedia music instruction software. Formed in 1994 by Adrian Burton, formerly a manager at Microsoft Multimedia Publishing, eMedia is now the world's leading publisher of music instruction software. eMedia's flagship titles are the best-selling eMedia Guitar Method and eMedia Piano & Keyboard Method. In addition there are follow up lessons with eMedia Intermediate Guitar Method and Intermediate Piano & Keyboard Method. eMedia Bass Method is the first comprehensive multimedia bass tutorial. eMedia also produces Guitar Songs, which teaches classic guitar hits, and Blues Guitar Legends, which teaches original blues songs. As well as developing music software, eMedia also distributes EarMaster Pro, an ear training software program, Guitar Pro, a popular guitar notation program and PG Music?s Band in a Box, an accompaniment program used by musicians and students alike. Most recently eMedia Music launched the My Music Series, an interactive CD-ROM series for children age six and up to learn piano and guitar. For more information please visit www.emediamusic.com.

Musitek Corporation develops and publishes music scanning and notation software. The company was founded in May 1991 by Christopher Newell of Ojai, California. A two-year research effort lead to the development and release in August of 1993 of the world's first commercially available music-scanning software, MIDISCAN for Windows. In 1995, Musitek focused on integrating its music-scanning technology with computer-based music scoring, engraving and MIDI sequencing. This effort lead to the release of SmartScore (for Windows and Macintosh) in 1996. Where MIDISCAN was essentially "Scan-and-Play", SmartScore has evolved to become an indispensable input, editing and scorewriting tool for musicians, transcribers, music educators and music ministers around the world. For more information please visit www.musitek.com.
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