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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Monster's Beats By Dr. Dre High Definition Headphones Available in Canada Exclusively at Future Shop
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Monster's Beats By Dr. Dre High Definition Headphones Available in Canada Exclusively at Future Shop
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Legendary artist and producer Dr. Dre, Interscope Geffen A&M Chairman Jimmy Iovine and Monster®, the leader in audio/video accessories, announced that their new Beats™ By Dr. Dre™ high definition powered isolation™ headphones are now available in Canada exclusively at Future Shop retail outlets, as well as at the Future Shop website (www.futureshop.com), for a price of $399.95 CAD.

Kevin Lee, VP of Product and Marketing for Monster, noted: “We’re very excited to roll out our Beats By Dr. Dre high-definition headphones to the Canadian market. Since their recent introduction in the U.S., these amazing new headphones have literally created a tsunami of interest among music lovers and professionals alike, as well as everyone who keeps up with the latest breakthroughs in high-tech lifestyle products. Beats headphones provide people with a brand new way to enjoy their favorite music, with all the dynamics and sound quality intended by the artists.”

Reproducing the Full Spectrum of Sound…

To provide consumers with a brand new level of headphone audio performance with extreme clarity, deep bass and full power which had been lacking in conventional headphones, Dr. Dre, Jimmy Iovine, and Monster set out to develop a new type of headphone with the capability to reproduce the full spectrum of sound that musical artists and producers hear in professional recording studios. By combining new advanced materials, sophisticated construction, extra large drivers, and a powerful digital amplifier, Beats™ By Dre™ deliver clear vocals, detailed highs, and super low, deep bass. Furthermore, to recreate the quietness of an isolated recording studio listening experience, they also feature powered ambient noise-isolation, allowing consumers to hear all the details and nuances in their music.

Beats™ By Dr. Dre™ are designed to provide maximum performance when used with all of today’s portable music devices – and they’re being released just in time for use with the new Apple® iPhone™ 3G. In fact, for consumers who have an iPhone, Blackberry®, and other music-enabled phones, Beats™ By Dr. Dre™ comes with additional Monster IsoniTalk™ headphone cable with integrated high grade microphone and answer button.

Beats™ By Dr. Dre™ feature a unique stylish look and fashion, and come with a convenient, hip carrying case. The wide adjustable headband, soft plush hinged ear cups and high-quality Monster cable makes the Beats listening experience unmatched for comfort and sound.
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