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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Celemony Releases Melodyne Editor with DNA Direct Note Access
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Celemony Releases Melodyne Editor with DNA Direct Note Access
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Celemony Software GmbH is proud to announce that Melodyne editor will be on sale in stores worldwide from Monday November 16th, 2009 . Melodyne editor is the first Celemony product to feature the company’s pioneering DNA Direct Note Access technology allowing access to individual notes in polyphonic audio material. The recommended resale price of Melodyne editor is 349 USD/349 €. Coincident with the launch of Melodyne editor, Celemony is presenting its new product line, comprising Melodyne studio bundle, Melodyne editor, Melodyne assistant and Melodyne essential RTAS.

Melodyne editor caused a tremendous excitement all over the world when it was first presented, as its DNA technology made possible something that had always been considered impossible in the past: the editing of individual notes in polyphonic audio material. Now that all registered Melodyne users have had a chance to put the eagerly awaited product through its paces in the course of a public beta test phase, Melodyne editor is now ready for its worldwide sales launch.

Melodyne editor runs under Mac OS X and Windows and can be operated according to choice either as a plug-in or as an independent application. As with the already familiar editions of Melodyne, Melodyne editor offers a variety of different tools that make it possible to edit audio material in a highly intuitive and musical way – now, thanks to DNA, even if the source is a polyphonic instrument. With their totally new technical infrastructure, both the plug-in and stand-alone implementations of Melodyne editor boast numerous improvements over previous editions of Melodyne, including a very short loading time, a plug-in window the size of which can be varied at will, still further improvements in the note detection process and sound quality, and much else besides.

“The feedback from the public beta testing was exceptionally positive. Many thanks to all who participated! Having subjected Melodyne editor now to an exhaustive series of quality controls, we are greatly looking forward to being able to release the application worldwide. At the same time, we are eager to see how users will take to the totally novel possibilities for audio editing the new technology affords,” says Anselm Rößler, Celemony’s Managing Director.

With the launch of Melodyne editor, Celemony is also restructuring its entire product line. Along with Melodyne editor, this now comprises Melodyne assistant (equivalent to Melodyne editor but without DNA: 249 USD/199 €), Melodyne studio bundle (contains Melodyne studio 3 as well as Melodyne editor: 699 USD/699 €) and Melodyne essential RTAS (the new version of Melodyne essential, which is only available in the Digidesign bundle). These new products will also be available from the 16th November onwards. For more information: www.celemony.com.

Additional information:
* VIDEO: Celemony Melodyne Direct Note Access: Behind the Scenes (Part 1)
* VIDEO: Celemony Melodyne Direct Note Access: Behind the Scenes (Part 2)
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