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IntelliScore Ensemble Adds Drum to MIDI Capability to Audio to MIDI Converter - Get 10% Off!
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Innovative Music Systems, Inc. announced the release of version 8 of IntelliScore Ensemble with multi-drum recognition capability. IntelliScore Ensemble listens to prerecorded or live music (in WAV, MP3, WMA, AAC, AIFF, or CD format) comprised of several different instruments or drums and helps create a multiple-track MIDI (.mid) file containing the notes or drums played, broken down by instrument. The MIDI file, in turn, is suitable for notation, cleanup/editing, and playback. Musicians and educators use intelliScore to help transcribe unfamiliar pieces so they can spend more time making music and teaching.

Drum to MIDI capability is the latest in a series of music recognition breakthroughs pioneered by Innovative Music Systems. The company introduced the world's first polyphonic audio to MIDI converter eleven years ago. Polyphonic music contains more than one note at a time, such as a musician playing chords on a piano. Four years ago they added their unique multiple-instrument audio to MIDI capability. Now they have broken new ground again by unveiling the world's only technology that helps convert recorded drum solos to multi-drum MIDI files, not merely triggering a single drum as other products do.

"Drum recognition has long been an elusive goal because percussion instruments just sound like noise to typical pitch detection systems," said Joe Kohler, president of Innovative Music Systems. "Now with the launching of version 8, drummers can take advantage of intelliScore Ensemble's powerful music recognition capabilities just like other musicians."

In addition to supporting drums, the latest intelliScore provides other new helpful features. For example, intelliScore tracks performance nuances such as changes in timbre, pitch, and dynamics. It also now displays the names of chords being played in real time.

To get a 10% discount on IntelliScore (or any Innovative Music Systems products), use this coupon code: digifreq10

For more information: www.intelliscore.net.
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