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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Cakewalk Announces Availability of Mac Support update for V-Studio 20
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Cakewalk Announces Availability of Mac Support update for V-Studio 20
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Cakewalk, the world's leading developer of powerful and easy to use products for music creation and recording, announces immediate availability of a new Mac Support update for the V-Studio 20. The free V-Studio 20 Mac Support update is available at the Cakewalk website (see below).

The V-Studio 20 Mac Support update enables the VS-20 hardware and Effects Editor to be used with all popular Mac-based recording software titles. The update provides Mac users with all the benefits of recording with the V-Studio 20 COSM guitar and vocal effects; and use of the V-Studio 20 hardware as dedicated universal DAW controller. Additionally, both GarageBand and Logic can be further integrated into the V-Studio 20 system using the included custom control surface plug-in included in this update.

The free V-Studio 20 Mac Support update includes:
* OS X 10.5 & 10.6 (Snow Leopard) drivers for the V-Studio 20 hardware (Mackie Universal Control)
* OS X 10.5 & 10.6 (Snow Leopard) support for the COSM effects Editor
* Plug-in for GarageBand and Logic to allow control surface support

About V-Studio 20
Guitarists have only dreamed about BOSS guitar effects and Roland's breakthrough COSM modeling built right into powerful hardware and recording software. That's the V-Studio 20. The V-Studio 20 matches the simplicity of a portable, hardware recording system with the power, flexibility, and control of modern computer-based recording. Whether you're at home or on the road, you can easily connect a guitar or mic to the VS-20 hardware and dial up genuine BOSS sounds. Once you're ready, record directly to your computer for further editing and mixing using Cakewalk Guitar Tracks recording software (*Windows only). Don't settle for imitations—Roland, Cakewalk, and BOSS are names you can trust to deliver the best recording solutions for today's musicians.

The V-Studio 20 Mac Support Update for OS X 10.5 & 10.6 (Snow Leopard) is available as a free download from the Cakewalk website at: http://www.cakewalk.com/support/kb/reader.aspx?ID=2007013161.

For more information: Cakewalk V-Studio 20 Music Production System
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