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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Cakewalk Releases Rapture and Dimension Pro Updates for Mac OS and Windows
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Cakewalk Releases Rapture and Dimension Pro Updates for Mac OS and Windows
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Cakewalk, the world's leading developer of powerful and easy to use products for music creation and recording, announces the availability of the free Rapture / Rapture LE 1.22 and Dimension Pro / Dimension LE 1.5 updates.

The Rapture / Rapture LE Update is a available as a free download for registered customers along, with a comprehensive list of what is included in the update at: http://www.cakewalk.com/support/kb/reader.aspx?ID=2007013167

Highlights include:

    * OS X 10.6 compatibility
    * Windows 7 compatibility
    * Improved Windows 64-bit VST compatibility
    * Performance improvements

The Dimension Pro / Dimension LE Update is a available as a free download for registered customers along, with a comprehensive list of what is included in the update at: http://www.cakewalk.com/support/kb/reader.aspx?ID=2007013166

Highlights include:

    * OS X 10.6 compatibility
    * Windows 7 compatibility
    * VST 2.4 Support
    * Windows 64-bit VST compatibility
    * Performance improvements
    * Improved stability when using sample rates 96k and higher
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