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MODARTT releases a Free Tubular Bells add-on for Pianoteq
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As a Christmas gift to all Pianoteq customers, MODARTT announces its latest instrument add-on: a virtual copy of a Tubular Bells.

MODARTT is pleased to announce the release of its latest instrument add-on for Pianoteq: a virtual copy of a Tubular Bells.

The original instrument is made of brass tubes of graded length that are tuned to a chromatic scale and usually cover the range of 1½ octave. The sound is produced by striking the top edge of the tubes with a wooden or plastic-headed hammer. The instrument often includes an attached damping mechanism. It appeared for the first time in England in the late 19th Century, and is ever since a part of major symphonic orchestras, known as symphonic chimes.

The Tubular Bells add-on is modelled after a Bergerault 18 note concert chimes. Thanks to Pianoteq’s powerful technology, the note range in the virtual copy is extended to 4 octaves.

Includes three variants
Similar to church bells, the tubular bells have the peculiarity that the pitch is not given by the lowest partial. In the concert chimes, the pitch is given by the third partial. The Tubular Bells add-on contains three variants:
● Variant A ― partials corresponding to the original tubular bells pattern,
● Variant B ― partials retuned in a major pattern, proportional to 5/16, 5/8, 1, 3/2, 2,
● Variant C ― partials retuned in a minor pattern, proportional to 6/20, 6/10, 1, 3/2, 2.

Free download
The Tubular Bells add-on is given away as a Christmas gift to all Pianoteq customers. It is included in the latest version of the Bells and Carillons add-on collection. Further details at www.pianoteq.com/tubular.

Additional information: Modartt Pianoteq Virtual Piano Instrument
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