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Cakewalk Releases Free X2a Update for SONAR
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A new update is available for SONAR X2 Producer, Studio and Essential that adds new functionality and addresses a number of reported issues. In order to install this update you must have SONAR X2 already installed.

Please note: SONAR X2a is only officially supported on Windows 7 and Windows 8. Installation is not possible on unsupported operating systems, such as Windows 98 & XP. It remains possible to install and use SONAR X2a on Windows Vista though it is not recommended.

New Features and Improvements in SONAR X2a

Windows 8 support
SONAR X2a provides full functionality and is officially supported in Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit.

Multi-touch support in Windows 8
In addition to your computer keyboard and mouse, you can also interact with SONAR X2a via touch if you have a compatible touchscreen display. This offers touch gestures for:
*    Scrolling and triggering cells in the Matrix View
*    Scrolling and basic multi-touch mixing in the Console View (multiple parameters can be adjusted at a time)
*   Scrolling and Zooming in the Clips Pane
*    Adjusting loop marker positions in the Track View
*    Auditioning and Dragging content from the Browser
*    Expanding/Resizing/Collapsing of docked views
*    Control Bar Transport module support
*    Toggling steps in the Step Sequencer View
*    Control of plug-in parameters (no multi-touch)

Unique Now Time markers
The Now Time marker changes appearance to indicate if playback is stopped, paused, running, or recording.

Playlist View Enhancements
The Playlist has been updated to include the following enhancements:
*    Updated UI
*    If a song has already been played, it appears dimmed in the list.
*    Sort columns in alphabetical, numerical, or date order.
*    New columns: Path, BPM, Key, Meter, Project Length, Date Created, Date Modified, Delay, User Notes

Rich context menu for adding ProChannel modules
When adding a ProChannel module, the context menu shows a visually rich menu with a small thumbnail image of the module, the module name, and a brief description.

Updated Piano Roll view and Staff view Track pane UI
The Track pane in the Piano Roll view and Staff view has received an updated UI, shows more intuitive buttons, and the current track is now highlighted.

Visual feedback when dragging items from the Browser
When dragging items from the Browser, the mouse pointer shows the name of the items.

Accessibility enhancements
SONAR X2’s power is now more accessible to vision impaired users. SONAR X2’s accessibility features, including Microsoft UI Automation, expose rich information about its UI elements, such as type, state, name, and value. With reliable access to this information, vision impaired users can use UI Automation-capable screen reader programs such as Microsoft Narrator, JAWS, NVDA and Window-Eyes to access, identify, and manipulate SONAR’s UI elements. The screen readers read aloud what's on the computer screen.

Scan VST folders from the Browser
The Scan VST Folders command is available in the Browser’s Plug-ins tab drop-down menu.

Check for updates
SONAR X2a will now help you determine if it is currently up to date. To check for and obtain the latest updates, go to Help > Check for Program Updates.

Miscellaneous UI enhancements
*    The Automation Read button has been updated to better indicate its on/off state.
*    The Automation Write button has been updated to indicate the current automation mode.
*    VST plug-in names show the proper VST name instead of the DLL file name.
*    Expanded context menu in the Browser’s Synth Rack. Right-click anywhere in the Synth Rack to open the context menu.
*    The Browser’s status bar shows metadata for selected VST plug-ins.
*    The loop region obeys Snap to Grid when dragging the entire loop region in the time ruler.
*    Updated zoom faders.
*    Muted Takes lanes are now shaded.
*    The Comments field in Take lanes uses a brighter text color for improved readability.
*    Optimizations made to Tool mouse pointers when using modifier keys
*    Updated mouse pointers during certain operations.
*    In the Control Bar’s Markers module, the current marker is indicated in the marker drop-down menu.
*    Surround Bridge UI has been updated.
*    Numerous minor cosmetic changes throughout the entire SONAR UI

Direct2D Technology Preview
In Windows 8, SONAR X2a’s Matrix View and built-in ProChannel Modules can take advantage of Direct2D, which is a hardware-accelerated, immediate-mode, graphics technology from Microsoft. This option, labeled “Use Hardware Graphics Acceleration,” can be enabled in the Preferences dialog on the Display page.

The update also includes over 250 bug and stability issues. For more information, visit http://www.cakewalk.com/Support/kb/reader.aspx/2007013301.
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