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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > eMedia Music Expands the Guitar Lab DVD Series with Voodoo Blues Licks, Chord Tricks and Progressive Blues Licks
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eMedia Music Expands the Guitar Lab DVD Series with Voodoo Blues Licks, Chord Tricks and Progressive Blues Licks
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eMedia Music Corp., publisher of the world’s best-selling series of music tutorial CD-ROMs and DVDs, in partnership with TrueFire, will release three new titles in the Guitar Lab line of guitar instruction DVDs in early 2013. 50 Voodoo Blues Licks You Must Know, 50 Chord Tricks You Must Know and 50 Progressive Blues Licks You Must Know DVDs will be in stores January 29, 2013.

50 Voodoo Blues Licks You Must Know is a mesmerizing, contextual, hands-on and highly effective study program for blues players. Host Steve Trovato is not only a guitarist's guitarist having studied with jazz greats like Chuck Wayne and Pat Martino; and having performed with Robben Ford, Albert Lee, Albert Collins, and dozens of other world-class musicians. He is also the instructor's instructor with 40 instructional books, 30 instructional DVDs and hundreds of columns and articles to his credit. Trovato will help you get your hands doing things on the fretboard that your head only dreamed of doing before with the 50 Voodoo Blues Licks You Must Know DVD.

From John Frusciante, Robben Ford, John Mayer and Eric Johnson to T-Bone Walker, The Beatles, Nile Rogers and Stevie Ray Vaughan; however diverse their styles and music may be, they all have one thing in common -- a solid foundation crafted from interesting chord applications and engaging rhythmic ideas. If you're battling the proverbial rut in the shed, or feeling a bit polarized at the local jam, or just plain tired of hearing yourself play the same old same old, the 50 Chord Tricks You Must Know DVD is likely your key to pushing through to the other side. Host Matt Brandt will get you playing the chord ticks that will get fellow guitarists asking you to "show me that!"

Host Corey Congilio will help you round out your Progressive Blues bag and take your blues game to an entirely new level with the 50 Progressive Blues Licks You Must Know DVD. You'll learn how to apply techniques and melodic devices like hybrid picking, hip hammers and pull-offs, sixths and thirds, chromatics, diminished runs, open-string and intervallic moves, major-minor pentatonic phrases, octaves, double and triple-stops, repetitive phrases, pre-bends, half and full bends, intervallic leaps, muting, scratches, rakes and many more of the essential tricks of the Progressive Blues trade.

50 Voodoo Blues Licks You Must Know, 50 Chord Tricks You Must Know and 50 Progressive Blues Licks You Must Know will be released on DVD January 29, 2013 and will be available at retail stores nationwide and online at an estimated retail price of $24.95. The Guitar Lab DVD Series includes 18 titles on DVD for beginner to advanced guitar instruction. All DVDs feature PIP (Picture in Picture) video, a manual, standard notation, tab, power tab files, practice rhythm tracks and additional bonus material. For more information, visit emediamusic.com.
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