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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Acon Digital Restoration Suite Released - First Aid Kit for Noisy Recordings - Get 10% off!
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Acon Digital Restoration Suite Released - First Aid Kit for Noisy Recordings - Get 10% off!
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Hiss, hum, clicks, crackle and clipping effectively destroy any listening pleasure – and the human ear is very sensitive. Either you are struggling with noisy recordings in new productions or dealing with noise from old treasures originating from LPs, cassettes or tapes – with the introduction of the new Restoration Suite, Acon Digital brings a plug-in collection to the market that allows seasoned audio engineers as well as beginners to quickly achieve excellent results. The plug-ins efficiently suppress noise with minimal impact on the source material. In order to use the plug-ins, a VST or AU compatible host application is required.

Restoration Suite is the result of years of research and development within the field of noise reduction and audio processing. It includes the tools DeNoise for broadband noise reduction, DeHum to filter out hum and buzz noise, DeClick to remove typical pops and crackles from vinyl and 78 RPM recordings as well as DeClip to reconstruct clipped peaks.

"For the first time, we break out of the Windows world and release software for the Macintosh platform" says Stian Aagedal, managing director and chief developer at Acon AS, noticeably pleased with the technological leap achieved by the audio specialists from Norway. “We feel confident that the new plug-in suite will receive considerable interest in this growing and quality aware market, primarily because of the streamlined workflow and excellent audio quality”.

To get a 10% discount on Restoration Suite (and any other Acon Digital Media products), use this coupon code: 6AE1-481F

Acon Digital Restoration Suite is available for both Windows (PC) and OSX (Macintosh). For more information, visit acondigital.com.
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