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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Ohm Force Releases the Ohmicide Dubstep Session Pack - Get 10% off!
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Ohm Force Releases the Ohmicide Dubstep Session Pack - Get 10% off!
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Wanna see what Ohmicide is capable of on real projects? Ever asked yourself what crazy settings were behind a standard Dubstep config?

Here comes the Ohmicide Dubstep Session Pack 1 by our partner Clicksound.

It includes the following products:

- Ohmicide: Melohman Distortion Plugin - VST, AU and RTAS
- Ableton Dubstep Session Pack - 3 construction templates, all within one Ableton project
- 3 Dubstep Micro Element construction templates for Logic Pro

All of the construction templates for Ableton Live and Logic Pro within this pack are fully editable Dubstep templates, which allow you to have unrestricted control over any part of the template. You can change the speed, pitch and arrangement of any part such as the drums, basslines or synth leads…what ever suites your mood! They are completely customisable and contain the building blocks for your next Dubstep project. Within each construction template you will be able to see how all of the channels are created, how the sounds are layered and placed in to the arrangement pages and how the included side-chain compression is configured.

The templates also feature Native Instruments Massive and Spectrasonics Omnisphere and just in case you do not have these plug-ins installed each template includes bounced tracks for the third party plug-ins MIDI parts. This simply means that any MIDI parts created using Native Instruments Massive or Spectrasonics Omnisphere have been bounced down to audio tracks within the arrangement page… so you do not need Massive or Omnisphere installed as the bounced audio part will play instead.

The Ohmicide Dubstep Session Pack is sold at €109.00. If you already have an Ohmicide registered to your account, log in and you will be able to upgrade (i.e. get the missing templates) for €14.00 only.

To get a 10% discount on the Ohmicide Dubstep Session Pack (and all Ohm Force products), use the following coupon code: DIGIFREQ-OHM

For more information, see Ohmicide Dubstep Session Pack.
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