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Acoustica 6 with Multitrack Editing and new Audio Restoration Tools - Get 10% off!
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The audio editor Acoustica makes another major leap forward with the release of the sixth version. Among the new features are multitrack editing, upgraded audio restoration tools and a phase linear equalizer. Acoustica 6 is available in three editions – the free Basic Edition, the Standard Edition and the Premium Edition which supports 5.1 and 7.1 channel surround and includes an extended range of processing tools.

Premium Edition 6 is aimed at ambitious home users and semi-professionals, and offers a large range of high quality filters and effects, multitrack editing and support for multichannel audio such as 5.1 and 7.1 surround. The new phase linear equalizer is equipped with six bands and six filter types. It is free of frequency warping effects that typically occur in digital implementations of analog filters. With variable bandwidths and variable filter slopes from -3 dB to -120 dB / octave it is possible to realize almost any imaginable filter characteristic. Additionally, the tools from the recently released Acon Digital Restoration Suite are seamlessly integrated so that broadband noise, clicks, crackles, hum and buzz can effectively be reduced. Material suffering from analog or digital clipping can also be vastly improved using the new declipper. Acoustica Premium Edition 6 is available at a price of $119.90 USD.

Multitrack editing is also included in Acoustica Standard Edition 6, which is available at a price of $39.90 USD. In contrast to the Premium Edition, however, audio cannot be rendered to 5.1 or 7.1 surround formats. Also new in the Standard Edition is an improved reverb effect and a new equalizer, both of which were previously only available in the Premium Edition. Another innovation in the Standard Edition is high quality time stretching and pitch modification – both from the previous Studio Time plug-in bundle from Acon Digital.

The free Acoustica Basic Edition 6 provides a basic foundation for audio editing and now supports new audio formats such as WAV64, MP4 and AAC. The latter two are, however, only available under Windows 7 or higher.

Needless to say, all three editions support the plug-in standards VST and DirectX so that they can be extended with third party plug-ins.

To get a 10% discount on Acoustica 6 (and any other Acon Digital Media products), use this coupon code: 6AE1-481F

For more information, visit acondigital.com.
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