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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Cakewalk Z3TA+ iOS Music Synthesizer for iPad now available
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Cakewalk Z3TA+ iOS Music Synthesizer for iPad now available
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Cakewalk, developers of powerful and thoughtfully designed software for modern musicians, released Z3TA+ iOS for iPad. Now available on the Apple App Store, Z3TA+ iOS will be Cakewalk’s second iOS product following the successful launch of ScratchPad for iOS.

Borrowing from the Mac/Win versions of Z3TA+ 2, Z3TA+ iOS brings an unmistakable signature sound—used globally in countless successful electronic, EDM and dance productions — to the iOS world. Redesigned to fit iOS screen-real estate optimally, Z3TA+ iOS maintains its legendary impeccable sound quality and sonic depth, while new touch control capabilities open up even more innovative waveshaping sound possibilities.

Z3ta+ iOS’s intuitive sound-shaping environment is segmented into pages. The Synth Page is the heart of the synth, where sound design takes life through oscillators, filters, envelope generators and LFO parameters. The Modulation Matrix/Arpeggiator Page provides exceptional sonic versatility and composition assistance, while the Effects Page offers world-class Distortion, Modulation, EQ, Compression, Triple Delay and Reverb—all with new routing capabilities to craft the perfect sound in the iOS environment.

For creating music on the go, Z3TA+ iOS’s onboard, customizable keyboard not only triggers notes, but allows shifting octaves, choosing root notes, “holding” notes, and more. Finally, a header strip completes Z3TA+ iOS’s design, by providing easy access to move among pages, search presets, control master volume, and choose additional options through the program menus.

* Over 500 on-board, expertly crafted presets
* Support for Inter-App Audio, Background Audio, and AudioBus
* Classic waveshaping Z3TA+2 synth engine with 6 Oscillators, 6 LFOs, Filters, and more
* Modulation Matrix includes 16 Sources, Curves, Controls, and Destinations
* Advanced modular effects—Distortion, Modulation, Compression, Delay, Reverb and Limiter
* External MIDI control and user-friendly onboard Keyboard
* Performance section with Tap Tempo and assignable XY Pad, Mod Wheels, and User Controlled In-Key Pitch Bend
* Designed for iPad 2 or above, iPad Air, and iPad Mini

Pricing and Availability
Z3TA+ iOS is available on Apple’s App Store for $19.99. Visit http://www.cakewalk.com/Products/z3ta/feature.aspx/Z3TA+-iOS for more information.
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