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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Cakewalk Announces New SONAR Foxboro Update
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Cakewalk Announces New SONAR Foxboro Update
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Cakewalk, dedicated to powerful and thoughtfully designed software for modern musicians, announces the new June 2015 “Foxboro” update for SONAR Artist, Professional, and Platinum.

With Cakewalk enhancing SONAR via monthly rolling updates, the program continues to evolve and improve on an ongoing basis. “Foxboro” adds a breakthrough new feature, Plug-in Upsampling, which gives users the benefits of using higher sample rate processing even in projects at 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz. And in response to user feedback and suggestions, Cakewalk has added significant new enhancements to the Drum Replacer, which was introduced only a month ago. These include the ability to create, erase, and customize hit markers with individual velocity adjustment, FLAC support with an expanded MIDI range, and the newly implemented Filter OFF Mode for better global detection.

“Foxboro” now offers Strum Session 2 (a VST plug-in that lets keyboard players create convincing guitar parts), which features new electric guitars, a new strumming engine, streamlined interface, revised string module, new loop mode, new compressor and EQ modules, and much more (all based on the new Strum GS-2 instrument). In addition to all the above mentioned features, Craig Anderton has contributed a novel gating FX chain, and a brand new EDM Percussion Loops Library with tambourines, electronic-sounding percussion, and electro percussion effects (that are good for many EDM styles — not just electro).

The SONAR "Foxboro" update eZine provides tips and descriptions of all the new features. Visit, learn more about the new SONAR “Foxboro” update, and see a preview of what’s planned for the near future.

The SONAR “Foxboro” update, a free download from the Cakewalk Command Center, is available to all current SONAR Artist, Professional, and Platinum customers. All three SONAR versions are available globally through music and sound retailers, Valve’s Steam Store, and the Cakewalk Store. Please visit www.cakewalk.com for complete version details and localized pricing/availability options from our distribution partners.
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