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> Toontrack releases EZkeys Studio Grand Virtual Instrument |
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Toontrack releases EZkeys Studio Grand Virtual Instrument |
Toontrack has announced the release of EZkeys Studio Grand. This marks the tenth title in the company’s widely acclaimed line of piano and keyboard instruments.
About EZkeys Studio Grand
EZkeys Studio Grand features a carefully sampled Steinway & Sons B-211 grand piano. With its balanced timbre and versatile range of use, this specific instrument is commonly referred to as the ”perfect piano” and often the premier choice for professional studio work. All this combined with the creative framework of EZkeys will give you not only the sound of one of the world’s finest pianos – it even comes with tools to help you create and write great music.
• The full EZkeys software and MIDI library
• A carefully sampled Steinway & Sons B-211 grand piano
• A broad selection of presets for quick sound design
About the EZkeys
Each EZkeys sound library title comes with the same functionality and MIDI library. The MIDI covers all major styles from pop, rock and gospel to country and jazz. This coupled with the revolutionary software functionality of EZkeys, writing songs has never been easier. Drag and drop MIDI, add color and transpose included or your own imported MIDI on the fly – the sky is the limit! The EZkeys Line includes several classic analogue and electric pianos, all captured in world-class facilities using the best in modern and vintage recording equipment.
Find more information, video and audio demos here: http://www.toontrack.com/product/ezkeys-studio-grand/