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Toontrack releases new EZkeys MIDI for country music - Country Roots EZkeys MIDI
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Toontrack releases new EZkeys MIDI for country music - Country Roots EZkeys MIDIToontrack announced the release of a new title for the company’s widely popular line of piano MIDI for EZkeys: Country Roots EZkeys MIDI. This is the second release of Toontrack’s ongoing Country Month, a month-long celebration of all things country music-related. This title is also available as part of a limited-time-only Value Pack, tailored for country and ballad songwriting!

About Country Roots EZkeys MIDI
This collection of EZkeys MIDI takes you back to the blues-tinged, fiddle-ridden and boot-stomping days that blazed trails for the broad definition of what we now simply call “country” music. With a massive vault of inspiration touching on the legends of honky tonk, bluegrass and western, the Country Roots EZkeys MIDI pack will transport you back in time and provide an untapped well of inspiration for your next traditional country song. In fact, you will likely find it useful in a lot of your modern tunes as well! When hearing the bare, naked piano variations, it will be evident how much the origin of country has seeped through to the music of today. Start writing!

• Piano/keyboard MIDI inspired by traditional country music
• Performed by professional session player
• 3/4, 4/4 and 6/8 variations in straight and/or swing feel
• Intro, verse, pre-chorus, chorus and bridge sections

About EZkeys and EZkeys MIDI
The EZkeys Line includes several classic analogue and electric pianos, all captured in world-class facilities using the best in modern and vintage recording equipment. Each EZkeys sound library title comes with the same functionality and MIDI library. The MIDI covers all major styles from pop, rock and gospel to country and jazz. This coupled with the revolutionary software functionality of EZkeys, writing songs has never been easier. Drag and drop MIDI, add color and transpose included or your own imported MIDI on the fly – the sky is the limit! The separately available MIDI titles cover a wide range of styles – from country and jazz to indie pop, latin, rock, funk, blues and more.

Read more, listen to demos and watch videos here: http://www.toontrack.com/product/country-roots-ezkeys-midi/

Find the Toontrack Country Month website, featuring artist profiles, songwriting tips, a player with customers’ songs and much more, here: http://www.toontrack.com/country/
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