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Blue Cat Audio Releases New Re-Guitar Plug-In - Get 10% off!
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Blue Cat Audio Releases New Re-Guitar Plug-In - Get 10% off!Blue Cat Audio has released Blue Cat's Re-Guitar, a new guitar tone modeling plug-in capable of emulating an infinite number of guitars out of a single instrument.

Re-Guitar can simulate many kinds of guitar tones (electric or acoustic), regardless of the solid body guitar model used for recording: you can change the pickups, dig the body or emulate an acoustic guitar, all inside the box, without modifying the original instrument.

"Re-guitaring" can be used to enhance or completely modify the guitar tone while playing your own instrument, or to virtually switch guitars after recording - just like we already do with guitar amp simulations.

The plug-in is included as a built-in plug-in inside Blue Cat's Axiom 1.2, the company's multi effects processor for guitar and bass that was updated today. It is also available separately as an independent plug-in, alone or within the Axe Pack guitar software bundle.

Blue Cat's Re-Guitar Main Features:
- Guitar tone modeler, with electric pickups, acoustic guitars and hollow body emulations.
- Built-in single coil pickups: single hot, vintage, modern, active, tele, neck+mid, bridge+mid, P90, P90J.
- Built-in humbucker pickups: vintage, classic, ricky, modern, rails, bright, wide, wide(jazz), jazz box.
- Built-in piezo & acoustic guitars: solid body piezo, acoustic sim pedals, modern & dreadnought, jumbo, mini jumbo, 000, small.
- Create your own electric pickups or acoustic guitar emulations with the custom electric and custom acoustic models.
- Adjust hollow body thickness and amount.
- Adjust simulations brightness and gain.
- Built-in virtual volume and tone pots.
- No latency.

To get a 10% discount on Blue Cat Audio products, use coupon: DIGIFRQ710

For more information, visit: http://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_ReGuitar/
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