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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Blue Cat Audio Releases Blue Cat's Plug'n Script 3.2 Audio and MIDI Scripting Plug-In - Get 10% off!
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Blue Cat Audio Releases Blue Cat's Plug'n Script 3.2 Audio and MIDI Scripting Plug-In - Get 10% off!
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Blue Cat Audio Releases Blue Cat's Plug'n Script 3.2 Audio and MIDI Scripting Plug-In - Get 10% off!
Blue Cat Audio has released a free update for Blue Cat's Plug'n Script, their scripting software that can be programmed to create custom audio and MIDI effects or virtual instruments inside most Digital Audio Workstations (DAW).

With its ability to export independent plug-ins in AAX format for Pro Tools and Media Composer (in addition to already supported VST, VST3 or Audio Unit plug-ins formats), the new source code encryption options for exported plug-ins, the new KUIML 2.6 user interface programming language and the new data sharing features between the dsp and the user interface, this new version is full-featured development environment to create state of the art audio plug-ins for all Digital Audio Workstations.

Plug'n Script 3.2 also brings full MIDI I/O support for VST3, a new preset browser (also available in exported plug-ins) and many other improvements (full list below).

The update is free for registered customers and can be downloaded from the same location as the original full version (link received by email upon purchase). A special introduction price (20% off) is available to new customers to purchase either the plug-in or the "Crafters Pack" bundle, until September 30th.

New in Blue Cat's Plug'n Script 3.2:
- DSP script can now be encrypted upon export.
- DSP script can now define output strings to share any kind of data with the user interface.
- Export plug-in in AAX format for Pro Tools and Media Composer (for registered AVID developers).
- New presets browser with built-in search (also available in exported plug-ins).
- New version of the KUIML GUI programming language: drag and drop, canvas widget, build time scripting, lazy loading and more.
- New oscilloscope sample script (output strings feature demo).
- MIDI Program Change preference is now saved into session instead of global preferences, so each instance can now use different MIDI channels. It is also saved in the user default preset.
- VST3: added program change support for VST3 plug-in format.
- VST3: added MIDI output support for VST3 plug-in format.
- Faster GUI rendering on recent Mac OS systems (up to 5x faster on level meters).
- Improved GUI loading time when using many widgets.
- Fixed an issue with MIDI control that did not always work properly when the plug-in GUI was open.
- VST: the user interface is now properly resized in Cubase on Windows.
- Improved plug-in and app listing in Windows 10 start menu.
- Fixed wrong value set by SetProgram function in built-in MIDI library.
- Fixed built-in library not always copied to user documents folder.
- Fixed scripts menu order on Mac OS Sierra and newer.
- Fixed: native widgets in custom user interfaces used to be visible before the layout was done.

To get a 10% discount on Blue Cat Audio products, use coupon: DIGIFRQ710

For more information, visit: http://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_PlugNScript/
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