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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Blue Cat Audio releases Re-Head Headphone Response Plug-In - Get 10% off!
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Blue Cat Audio releases Re-Head Headphone Response Plug-In - Get 10% off!
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Blue Cat Audio releases Re-Head Headphone Response Plug-In - Get 10% off!
For many audio professionals, listening on headphones is a necessary evil. Perhaps you need headphones when tracking? Perhaps you need to work away from your studio? Or perhaps your studio has that one neighbor that simply can't enjoy your creative output at 3 AM in the morning? Listening through headphones creates an unnatural sound that's quite different from how we hear music from speakers.

Re-Head will create a mixing room experience when using headphones, even when recording distorted guitars and other instruments that tend to sound unnaturally in-your-face in a headphone mix.

At the center is a head response model that mimics the effect of your own skull on your hearing when listening through loudspeakers. Add to that stereo processing to avoid the hard-panned sound so common in headphones, a spectrum analyzer and EQ. There is even an impulse response representation of your favored mixing room to let you feel right at home, even when you're not.

Re-Head won't replace your favorite studio monitors, for sure. But it will make the transition from speakers to headphones less dramatic.

Main Features
- "Head response" model: get a more natural tone when working with headphones.
- Adjust the position and the angle between the virtual speakers.
- Adjust the brightness.
- Built-in EQ and spectrum analyzer.
- Impulse response (IR) loader to mimic your listening room, and compensate actual headphones.
- Flip left and right channels.
- No latency.

To get a 10% discount on all Blue Cat Audio products, use coupon: DIGIFRQ710

For more information, visit: https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_ReHead/
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