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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > KEMPER enhances the PROFILER Player (LVL-1) with more features via free 12.1 update
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KEMPER enhances the PROFILER Player (LVL-1) with more features via free 12.1 update
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KEMPER enhances the PROFILER Player (LVL-1) with more features via free 12.1 updateKemper today announced the availability of PROFILER OS 12.1 (currently in Public Beta) with significant enhancements for the sought-after PROFILER Player pedal.

With the PROFILER Player, Kemper has introduced convenient access to their acclaimed guitar amp and studio-grade FX in an affordable footprint-sized pedal that can be tailored to the needs of the individual musician. Right out of the box, it is a powerhouse Kemper Amp Rig player with 4 simultaneous goto FX blocks, 35 FX Types, and 200 FX Presets for any advanced guitar player’s tonal needs at home, in the studio, or on stage.

Overview of the new features for the PROFILER Player in OS Update 12.1:

- New Drives and Distortions - Now the Player features all the modeled famous vintage guitar overdrive, and distortion pedals from its big brothers: Green Scream, Plus DS, One DS, Muffin, Mouse, Full OC, Metal DS. These are all inspired by the legends: Tube Screamer, Distortion +, DS-1, Big Muff, OCD, Metal Zone, the Rat … (all product names are trademarks owned by the original companies)
- Morphing - The unique and acclaimed KEMPER parameter Morphing, which can be configured per Rig and controlled via pedal or triggered via button, provides for the most seamless and organic live performance.
- Output EQs - Two dedicated 4-band output EQs are available for Main Output and Monitor Output.
- Additional Stereo Output - The balanced Main Output can now be transformed into an unbalanced stereo output, adding a third analog stereo output for all Player levels. Now players can run a Full-Range signal simultaneously to FOH while running either one or two fully supported Kemper Kabinets, powered stereo full-range cabinets, or even regular guitar cabinets for personal monitoring.

Pricing and availability: The new PROFILER OS 12.1 is available from the Kemper website for free. The KEMPER PROFILER Player is available in stores worldwide for Euro/USD 699,-.

For more information, visit: Kemper-Amps.com
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